Verbalizing the Gospel

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    Several years ago, an opportunity landed in our laps to start our own business. The steps leading to this seemed like it was divine intervention. But I was still full of anxiety because I had never run my own company. I called various banks to discuss a small business loan to get things rolling, and after meeting with several that didn’t seem quite right, I met with the guy who would become our banker. We talked at length about the business and life in general. Then he walked me to my car and asked, “Greg, I’m really not supposed to ask… Read More

  • Mission Work Verbalizing the Gospel


    The Bible says it won't be easy to follow Jesus, that we'll be subjected to ridicule and scorn. I have sure experienced this throughout my life. When I decided to give my life completely to Christ thirteen years ago, this was strongly challenged by the people closest to me, especially my parents. "Why move to a different church?" "Why give your tithes when we are also in need?" The questioning was constant. The church I joined in the Philippines had very few members and rented a small space where the ceilings and walls needed significant repairs. Despite insulting remarks from… Read More

  • Church Activities Verbalizing the Gospel


    As a pastor in Ghana, it pains me to see how few people follow or even know about Jesus. You can see it in the traffic patterns. During the weekdays, there's a lot of traffic in town whilst on weekends, there's very little traffic. A lot of people take their work more seriously than God.

    But some others just haven’t heard the good news of Jesus. It struck me that only about 50% of the population of my region go to church regularly on Sundays. So I thought, how can we reach the other 50% to let them know how… Read More

  • Labor Mission Work Verbalizing the Gospel


    I encountered Jesus at the darkest point in my life, and it is only by His light that His purpose was revealed to me. It was when I suffered from major depression in my early 20's. At that moment, I believe God called me to completely surrender my life to Him; and through faith, I was healed. Since it’s my second life, I asked God to use my testimony to help others that were suffering. I continuously sought His guidance. He led me to the Middle East. When I arrived here, a former drug addict invited me to his church. I was amazed at how… Read More

  • Labor Overcoming Obstacles Verbalizing the Gospel


    My mother had three sonograms before I was born and none of them indicated any problems. But I was born without arms and legs. That obviously made life extremely challenging. I had tremendous parents but I was bullied throughout the early years of school. I became depressed and even had suicidal thoughts. My life changed when I was 15. I read how Jesus said the blind man was born that way so the works of God would be revealed through him. If God had a plan for that man, I certainly believed He had one for me. I totally surrendered… Read More

  • Children Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    The opioid crisis is killing thousands of young people in America. And I hope to do something about it. Too often, people believe that a life in Christ is incompatible with a life in science. My story says otherwise. In my life, the two fed off one another and have led me down a clear path of serving beyond the walls of a church. I have always been involved in church. My father even thought I might go into ministry. But I was fascinated by science and became a doctor, working in pediatrics. I found myself drawn to cases involving forensics, eventually… Read More

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