
  • Food Mission Work


    Foreign mission fields are closer than you think. Throughout our lives, we have gone on short-term mission trips around the world. Our trips to extremely poor places enabled us to understand hunger and the effect it has on children. Five years ago, after a trip to the smallest villages in Kenya, we realized that the percentage of hungry people in Central Alabama was the same as in Africa. After much prayer, we began to share a few bags of food from our pickup truck to some of the most food-deprived children in our county. We discovered that government programs are unable to meet… Read More

  • Food Homeless


    I battled a couple different types of cancer several years ago, and it sure underscored the limited amount of time we have here on earth. It also made me realize that I needed to give more of myself. One Sunday, I went down with a group of people to a men's homeless shelter to help serve dinner. And I was hooked. Now, a couple times a month, we not only help with the meal but also lead the guys in a worship service. We spend time with the men there. Let's face it, we are all flawed. We need to connect with others,… Read More

  • Food Loving Your Neighbor


    Just as Jesus broke bread with his disciples, I enjoy sharing bread with others as a symbol of Christ’s love for us. Wednesday is coined ‘Bread Day’ at our house. It’s a process that takes a couple days, but I actually bake the bread on Wednesday afternoons each week. I make about 12 loaves of bread, and we usually keep a loaf because I always sneak a slice right after it comes out of the oven. I like to take it to friends when they are sick or going through a hard time, but I also give loaves to friends and co-workers… Read More

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